Anyone looking for merit badges can attend this Spring event. More information on the district's website when it becomes available
Troop 352, lead by Senior Patrol Leader Ilia Khallouf lead the memorial services for the 9.11 Ceremony at Hanover Township Community Center. We were thrilled to have Pack 352 join in too, along with a few other local troops.
A large group of Troop 352 parents & scouts braved the weekend of April 30- May 2nd. They braved cold, wind, snow, hail, and rain but managed to tough it out and log 168 Miles for Notre Dame Elementary School's Marathon! Well Done Scouts & Parents!
From Council: Please remind your Troop and Pack families (who are coming to our council camps) that we have the campership program to help Council registered families pay for camp. This is not a full scholarship for the camp fees, but a partial scholarship for camp fees. Please see our website at under the Summer Camp heading. The form was moved there from the “Resources” heading.